“And they came, every one whose heart stirred him up, and every one whom his spirit made willing, and they brought the Lord’s offering to the work of the tabernacle…”
—Exodus 35:21
My Dear Spiritual Family,
These are exciting times for our community. We are on the verge of putting our Master Plan into action. Our existing facilities have served us well these past 50 years, however, in acknowledgement of your enthusiasm and support, it is time to do what the Founders of this Holy Church did when the fullness of time had come for them, namely, look ahead in order to create room for more beauty and more growth.
I am proud of our Building Committee for having done the due diligence of receiving input from the entire community. We were so very heartened at the October 23rd General Assembly, where we found accord and agreement to our new Master Plan which includes first and foremost the development of a new sanctuary. As monies come in, we will also be pursuing a family life center, and eventually expanded administrative, education, and meeting space.
Let's pull together as a true community, as a family, as a people with connections that enrich, enhance, educate andfaithfully use His resources to do whatever is necessary to build His Holy House. Our Church has launched a capital campaign entitled:
“With Unity of Thought and One Accord, Let’s Make History”.
There is an expense involved in the extensive site work to prepare our new campus which will include a new 500 seat Byzantine temple, $7M, and a family life center which will be the center of our fellowship activities, $7M.
We are excited about our new opportunity and challenge. This website includes frequently asked questions and their corresponding answers. We hope this will give us all a better understanding of the facts and help us prepare for the coming weeks as God uses us to fulfill his purpose!
In His Diakonia,
Rev. Fr. Paul N. Christy
Protopresbyter of the Ecumenical Throne
The mission of Holy Trinity will be strengthened with improved facilities to support worship, fellowship, and education – the cornerstones of our strategy.
Download BrochureFor God’s continued guidance and blessing upon the campaign.
Upon and plan one’s own sacrificial gift to the Campaign in a multi-year pledge
To the future of Holy Trinity so that we may provide the resources for all to grow in worship, service, witness, and fellowship – today and in the generations to come.
Thank you for helping to build for the future of Holy Trinity! All pledges matter, regardless of amount, because we all participate according to our ability. God multiplies our giving.
A new master plan, designed to serve the needs of our growing community for the next fifty years, includes a new sanctuary, a new family life center, a new book store, a new chapel, additional parking spaces, a remodeling of the church office and classrooms and ample storage space for our ministries. The master plan was presented to and approved by the General Assembly of the parish on approved October 23, 2022.
Can we build it all at once? The master plan provides a vision for the infrastructure of the church campus, taking advantage of our 12 acres of property. The plans were developed in a way that allows for phasing of the construction. We will only build what we can afford.
An Orthodox sanctuary based on Church tradition and ecclesiastical requirements such as an East-facing altar, a raised Solea, an Apse which would be adorned with the Platytera, a central dome with interior surface graced with the Pantocrator, and Prosthesis.
A Family Life Center which includes a Banquet Hall with seating for 500, a commercial kitchen,gymnasium, and bookstore.
External beauty of the entire complex, with a dramatic view from Lead Mine Road.
Natural areas for memory gardens, playgrounds, recreation, outdoor gatherings such as Easter picnic and future festivals.
Our Holy Trinity parish has more than doubled since our current Sanctuary was built. We are a growing community and our infrastructure needs to be upgraded to accommodate that growth. The mission of Holy Trinity will be strengthened with improved facilities to support worship, ministries, fellowship, and education – the cornerstones of our Faith. Our current sanctuary has served our community well over the years but is now cramped and lacks key ecclesiastical features. We do not have a modern family life center of a size capable of serving the community. This would improve fellowship, for young and old. The center would accommodate banquets, coffee hours and meetings, as well as youth sports and Greek folk dance activities.
We plan to occupy the new sanctuary in by the end of 2025, depending on the success of the Capital Campaign.
Site work to prepare our new campus will cost approximately $3M. A new 500 seat byzantine sanctuary $7M, and the Family life center cost is estimated at $7M. (These costs Include construction inflation through 2025)
Expenses incurred so far, such as paying for design architect consultants and civil engineering services, have been met through our building fund reserves that have been growing for the past 10 years. Additional funds are being raised by the capital campaign.
A capital campaign, in our case, is a fundraising effort that seeks pledged donations from members of the congregation to be used to pay for a major construction project. Our theme is called “With unity of thought, and one accord, Let’s make history.” Ideally, the capital campaign will fund the construction of phase one of the master plan.
The General Assembly voted to begin with the sanctuary and family life center. However, if the funds are not available for all of phase one, the sanctuary will be built first per the General Assembly Approval.
No, but all members will be given the opportunity to contribute. Your participation and giving level is entirely up to you.
Absolutely! All pledges matter, regardless of amount, because we all participate according to our ability. God multiplies our giving.
PRAY ... for God’s continued guidance and blessing upon the campaign.
REFLECT ... upon and plan one’s own sacrificial gift to the Campaign in a multi-year pledge.
COMMIT ... to the future of Holy Trinity so that we may provide the resources for all to grow in worship, service, witness, and fellowship – today and in the generations to come.
You are asked to make a multi-year commitment but a three-year pledge is preferred.
Commitment cards will be turned in on or before May 7, 2023. We will begin to receive donations shortly thereafter.
No. Your stewardship giving needs to continue to fund the operations of the church and its ministries. The capital campaign funds are additional and are intended to pay for the costs of developing and constructing the new or upgraded facilities.
Contributions can be made by cash or check. You can also give online via credit card at our website. https://abundant.co/holytrinityraleigh/give Recurring online gifts can be set up for your convenience. Other forms of contributions include transfer of title to marketable stocks, bonds or real estate. We also highly recommend that all parishioners consider remembering Holy Trinity in their will as a legacy to future generations.
No. Participating in the campaign is a personal decision, and anyone may contribute to God’s work in our church.